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    Wow, this is the tip of the iceberg, when we talk about street food, at least you must try them once.

    Esquites are the most pursued street food that Mexicans look for on a Sunday afternoon. This famous Mexican snack is found in some streets mostly in Coyoacán.

    They are made of steamed corn grains in corn stock this could be served with mayonnaise, fresh cheese, chili powder, and lemon, all this could be inside the glass or as toppings. This Mexican snack is full of flavor!

 "Sopa Azteca" or "Aztec Soup"
    Uff, if you are reading this part of my blog you better get ready to go to the supermarket and buy the ingredients to cook this delicious soup.

    One of the most popular and typical dishes in Mexico City is the “Sopa Azteca" (Aztec Soup) or corn chip soup, with lightly fry onion, garlic, and tomato ingredients to which is added chicken stock until reduced and served with fresh cheese and thin slices of avocado.

    We can also serve it with small pieces of “chicharrón” (fried pork skin) and super thin slices of guajillo chili and sour cream, on it.

    Have you ever tried this soup? would like to? leave me your comment. 

    Mexican dishes you must try...

 "Chiles en Nogada"


 "Tacos of Pastor"


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